How Shield a Badge Started

Bernadette and Peter Henz Jr. were the founders of "Shield a Badge with a Prayer" program in 1988.  In 1983, one of her fours sons became a Police Officer for the Arlington Police Department.  Mrs. Henz found herself praying daily for his safety, good judgement, and a safe return home.  The daily prayers for his safety slowly were joined in by close friends and by her church prayer group.  When two of her other sons became officers, Mrs. Henz realized all officers need prayers of safety and thus the idea of "Shield a Badge" was formed.

Shield a Badge with a Prayer

The "Shield a Badge" program was first started for the officers of the Arlington Police Department, and since then has spread to other Police Departments.  Currently, there are "Shield a Badge" programs in many departments across the United States and in Candada.  After the death of Bernadette and then later of Peter Henz Jr., the Arlington Shield a Badge program slowed down.  Due to the rapid increase of new officers, totaling over 600, not all officers are currently adopted by a prayer sponsor.  A plea for more prayer sponsors is currently underway.  Contact Shield a Badge if you are interested in becoming a prayer sponsor at